Entries by Gayle Leonard

Mysterious Fruits of Water: Dragonfruit

Now that much of the public has deduced that bottled-up tap water might not be their best buy, marketers have responded with value-added flavorings that ostensibly de-commoditize their products. But of course, it’s still brutally competitive in the death-battle for shelf space and market share, so a ho-hum strawberry flavor is just not going to cut it. […]

Bat Girl Arrested After Scaling Water Tower

Holy Bat-Stunt, this was a great day for the power-quad of water towers, middle-aged women, outlet shopping and Canada! From Rick Vanderline for barrieadvance.com in central Ontario, Canada,  A woman dressed as Bat Girl climbed to the top of the water tower at the Cookstown Outlet Mall jut before noon Saturday and unfurled a banner in the […]

Water Crisis Leaves an Indelible Impression

It’s one thing to say you’re touched and moved by the world water crisis, but it’s a whole different level to be moved enough to put it in ink. On your arm. Permanently. JesseFulton on Flickr explains why he got this incredible indelible tat: The short story behind the tattoo: a few years ago, I […]

Steve Who? And Why is the Quality Dropping?

Who is this “Steve” of Steve Enterprise in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, producing water “by the technology of the United States of America?” RobbieGates on Flickr photographed this interesting bottled water, “supplied by our hotel and had the curious name “Steve”. We ended up using steve as a generic term for free water supplied by a […]

The Codepod Army, Defending your Water

You might be disgusted by this story. But I’m here to defend the recently-maligned codepods and rotifers. They don’t deserve this! They’re not disgusting, they’re misunderstood! You don’t believe me? Just bear with me for a minute. A story that caused quite a stir this week; from the April 23, 2009 Hartford Courant (Connecticut): MDC Finds Copepods And Rotifers […]

h2o mp3: A Water Song: Extradition

Fair warning, this is a weird one, but I’m posting it today because I’m imagining it’s just the sort of entertainment that likely took place at Earth Day celebrations in the early seventies! From the music blog swanfungus, where I got the track, “Extradition were an obscure early seventies Australian psych-folk group…What sets them apart […]

Clean Renewable Rubber Ducky Power

Some outside-the-tub thinking: I found this HUGE fella who’s cute, yellow, and chubby! The artist Florentijn Hofman, well known in his native Holland and throughout Europe, created an actual 100-foot long rubber ducky for ‘Loire Estuary 2007,’ an outdoor contemporary art exhibition in France OK, so here’s my million-dollar idea©: WHY can’t we put this […]

Can Water Cut It? See For Yourself!

Will it Blend, Will it Flush, Will the foolishness ever end? Hope not! We’re written previously about the “Will it Flush?” video, a toilet version of the hugely-popular “Will it Blend” promotional stunt. Now comes from “Can Water Cut It?” a series in which “Flowman” (described as “the man behind the safety glasses” on the […]

Top 10 Water Idioms

So, you’re talkin’ water and suspect you’re sounding a bit cliche, using the same old water idioms over and over. Your puns and clever twists seem tired and worn out. At least that’s how we feel sometimes here in suburbia, writing about water day after day. Time for some “research!” What are the most frequently-used water idioms? The all-knowing Google can […]