Stick Figures in Agony on Water Warning Signs
The use of pictures and visual international symbols on signage–such as cartoons, stick figures and the ubiquitous red circle-slash–have eased some of the challenges of communicating across language barriers. Even on signage, though, our peppy, positive-reinforcement culture frowns on warning sign fear-mongering. Too bad, because terror is still a powerful motivator for deterring dangerous and stupid behavior! These scary signs and global stick figures in water jeopardy are trying to get the (mixed!) messages out!
↓ I don’t think this kid is afraid of drowning; I think he just wants his Waaa-tah!
Spotted in Japan, from Matthew McVickar on Flickr
↓ This one could mean “Wear Speedos while two-stepping with Jellyfish.”
Marine stingers warning sign, Queensland Australia via avlxyz on Flickr
↓ Warning: Bubbly Water Area, No A**holes Permitted.
Delsjön, Gothenburg, Sweden from ruminatrix on Flickr
↓ Come when your parents call, or we’ll send the Water Monster after you.
Water warning sign, Hirosegawa Japan via ehnmark on Flickr
↓ Do not do the “Wave” while facing waves.
Flash flood warning sign, Witten, Germany via e/rol on Flickr
↓ Keep safe distance from water flower attack zone?
Switzerland, from blibbler on Flickr
LOVE the new layout!
Bet you can guess which one I like the best…
..yup, the one with profanity.
I like the attack flower, what is that suppose to be?
These are great, Gayle. Love the new design, too!