Flash flood warning sign Witten, Germany

Stick Figures in Agony on Water Warning Signs

The use of pictures and visual international symbols on signage–such as cartoons, stick figures and the ubiquitous red circle-slash–have eased some of the challenges of communicating across language barriers. Even on signage, though, our peppy, positive-reinforcement culture frowns on warning sign fear-mongering. Too bad, because terror is still a powerful motivator for deterring dangerous and stupid behavior! These scary signs and global stick figures in water jeopardy are trying to get the (mixed!) messages out!

↓ I don’t think this kid is afraid of drowning; I think he just wants his Waaa-tah!

Japan warning sign water danger

Spotted in Japan, from Matthew McVickar on Flickr

↓ This one could mean “Wear Speedos while two-stepping with Jellyfish.”

Marine stingers warning sign Queensland Australia

Marine stingers warning sign, Queensland Australia via avlxyz on Flickr

↓ Warning: Bubbly Water Area, No A**holes Permitted.

Diving warning sign from Delsjön, Gothenburg, Sweden

Delsjön, Gothenburg, Sweden from ruminatrix on Flickr

↓ Come when your parents call, or we’ll send the Water Monster after you.

Water warning sign hirosegawa japan

Water warning sign, Hirosegawa Japan via ehnmark on Flickr

↓ Do not do the “Wave” while facing waves.

Flash flood warning sign Witten, Germany

Flash flood warning sign, Witten, Germany via e/rol on Flickr

↓ Keep safe distance from water flower attack zone?

water warning sign

Switzerland, from blibbler on Flickr

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