Real News: Spurring Weed growth with Water
Did you ever experience an “Onion Fear” moment? When you suspect you’ve been humiliated and hoodwinked by a “news” story that’s actually a journo-joke straight from The Onion?
Onion-fear struck by the forth paragraph as I read this item:
The water fountain sculpture unveiled Thursday on Weed’s Main Street is the latest installment in a beautification project that is changing the face of the city.
“This represents another milestone in Weed Pride efforts to enhance our Main Street Project,” Weed City Councilor Ken Palfini told those who attended the unveiling.” Read the full article here.

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After thorough research, I’ve confirmed that the Onion Fear was unfounded! Weed, CA, population 2900, does in fact have a groovy new water fountain made possible by Weed Pride, designed by Artist-Weed Prider-Jerry Garcia look-alike David Gochenour.
And while there’s a serviceable headline on this story, I would have pushed the fear factor with one of these click-baiting, Onion-fear inducing alternatives:
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[…] Real News: Spurring Weed growth with Water: “Did you ever experience an “Onion Fear” moment? When you suspect you’ve been humiliated and hoodwinked by a “news” story that’s actually a journo-joke straight from The Onion? Onion-fear struck by the forth paragraph as I read this item … ” Read more from Thirsty in Suburbia here: Spurring Weed growth with Water […]
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