Tap Water is from Heaven, Bottled Water is from Hell

We’ve seen a rash of infographics lately on the evils of bottled water, but www.albinoblacksheep.com stands uncontested as THE BEST one I’ve seen! So guzzle away you bottled water drinkers, it’s good versus evil in this battle. You’re messing with GOD here we can see just where you’re headed!

Update: I’ve found a name to associate with this! This was apparently created by Andrew Kepple. Nice work!

5 replies
  1. Kira
    Kira says:

    Individual use of plastic water bottles has become a multi-billion dollar industry. but there is a serious cost to our planet and animals. Tap water isnt good enough anymore with all the Chlorine. Chlorine is the greatest crippler and killer of modern times. While it prevented epidemics of one disease, it is creating another. Please visit my blog to learn more about bottled water and find out whats in your water! http://www.gogreenwaterfilter.com/apps/blog/

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  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Gayle Leonard. Gayle Leonard said: Tap water is from heaven, bottled water is from hell. Here's proof! http://bit.ly/ahPDuE […]

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