h2o mp3: Dope in the Water – Steve Anderson
We’re tickled to present you with a world premiere of sorts! The parody song “Dope In the Water” (sung to the tune of “Smoke on the Water” by Deep Purple) was written and performed by Steve Anderson, Water Resources Analyst at Clean Water Services, Portland, Oregon. This is of course a timely issue since the release of the 2008 Associated Press study that claims at least 41 million Americans may be getting a bonus of drugs and pharmaceuticals in their water supply.
Steve Anderson
The song (which is awesomely hysterical, in my opinion!) came to the fore as part of a forum discussion about the use of humor in public communications. The bottom line: no clear consensus. Some communications professionals believe in the power of humor to communicate, some are mildly uncomfortable with the risk and others believe it is often misleading to a misinformed public.
I think everyone knows where I stand! As I wrote on the discussion thread,
I think the point of the song is to change behavior and to promote the safe disposal of pharmaceuticals, which in turn, reduces the treatment burdens. This is the part that the public can control, and thus, an effective message to send.
So thanks, Steve, and we hope lots of people are humming this when they refrain from bad habits that add “Dope in the Water!”
Play the track
Download Dope in the Water by Steve Anderson (mp3)
We flush them down our toilets
We wash ‘em down the drain
We take ‘em when we feel bad
We take ‘em for the pain
They come to us in the sewers
We’d treat ‘em all but we can’t
When they show up at the headworks
They pass right through the treatment plant
Dope in the water
Hormones in the creek
Dope in the water
And what about them birth control pills?
At the outfall where the effluent swirls
Makin’ changes in the wildlife
Little boy fish look a lot like girls
And then we have our Prozac
Discharged by the very best
Don’t know how the fish like that
At least I guess they’re not depressed
Dope in the water
Hormones in the creek
Dope in the water
My coffee in the morning
Can keep a fish awake at night
Painkillers might make ‘em feel good
But you know it just ain’t right
Cosmetics and perfumes, well
Just add to this witch’s brew
It’s high time to figure it out
Just what the hell this stuff can do
Dope in the water
Hormones in the creek
Dope in the water
Hilarious, but so factual! I love it. It should be a part of every environmental education program.
I wasn’t aware of this MSNBC.com report. This is appaling, “The federal government doesn’t require any testing and hasn’t set safety limits for drugs in water.”
Thanks for the unique way to get the important message across. It is appealing.
As a downstreamer from Lake Mead it will be a cold day in hell before I willingly drink any water that comes downstream from Llas Vegas- identified as one of the worst areas with high chemical concentrations of common drugs and hormones. And this water is heading to Southern California, Arizona and Mexico- 28 million people depend on this chemical stew for drinking. ugh
This is great! Great way to get the message out!
Great song, but disturbing. I never imagined a connection between massive pharmaceutical consumption and its drift down the food chain.
How many generations does it take to alter the DNA not only of humans, but the all the occupants of this world?
It would be great if you had a link for quick posting to facebook etc.
Catherine, thanks, I’ve got that in the near-term plans…although Facebook is starting to creep me out a bit!
Very educational. It makes me wonder about things.