Save Water, Pee in the Shower
Why, it’s not such a repulsive idea really! After all, the toilet and shower drain to the exact same place, and if you’re healthy your urine is sterile. Remember that just one less flush per day could save you in excess of 1,000 gallons of water per year!
Environmental group SOS Mata Atlântica is advancing the idea among Brazilians with a charming PeeSA spot that features people big and small, young and old, human, alien and animal, doing their business while doing their personal hygiene routine. Cute! (But please, don’t follow this up with a yellow-mellow, brown-down public service campaign!)
I do!
OK, I admit it. Me too!
That makes three of us!
That just sounds unsanitary. 1,000 is significant water savings. OR you could just get a dual flush toilet or high efficiency toilet. These Toilets can save up to 18,000 gallons of water per year. However all water saving is good
-Save Water Project