An Eye-Pooping Infographic on Water and Sanitation Challenges
The poo poo problem continues unabated, and here’s a genuinely crappy infographic for all you visual learners out there! I’ll bet this was the assignment of a lifetime for some lucky graphic designer, and a review of the associated facts won’t hurt the rest of us either.
This fab graphic was submitted by Tony Shin and comes hardwired to some SEO scheme related to online nursing programs, but never mind, I still love it and consider it a fair trade to share such an awesome, informative graphic! Enjoy, but first let me highlight some personal favorite details:
We’re wastewater BFFs! Despite their deadly nature and bad attitude, these fellows still look pretty cute!
Yes, open defecation is a problem among much of the world’s “Poopulation”. Also, torsional deformities.
And don’t miss this… At the top headline of the graphic, note the carefully-placed exclamation point right above those two gentle scallops! Design genius.
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I enjoyed this so much I “pinned” the infographic.
Within 24 hours it had been repinned 19 times! Great stuff.
The provision of Water and Sanitation Companies is of paramount significance since it gives the foundation for sustainable development.