Aquamantra Gets Its Groove Back
Aquamantra, that deeply spiritual fluid that “resonates with the energy and frequency of your well-being?” That karma-in-a-bottle where “the quality of your thoughts determine the quality of your life and NOW your water?” From the company whose “purpose in creating this water is to Raise Consciousness in Humanity One Sip at a Time?”
RememberI’m feeling better just writing that, but the negative energy emanating from that politically-incorrect plastic encasement is ruining the good vibe, so Aquamantra will be introducing their recyclable, biodegradable bottle this summer. It’s from “Phoenix, Arizona-based ENSO Bottles, LLC, which had developed a form of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) that appeared to be both recyclable and biodegradable within 1-5 years in microbial landfills, in either aerobic or anaerobic conditions.”
Ah, energy waves over me as a new mantra emerges, please repeat with me: I am profitable. I am profitable. I am profitable.
(For students of flackery: the glowing press release is here.)
Hopefully, Aguamantra will make a profit…that’s what keeps businesses and our economy going. They are taking a bold step and offering their product in a biodegradable bottle and making our planet healthier, one bottle at a time.
“Enso Bottles for a Healthier Earth”
Making a healthier planet one bottle at a time, Max??? you realize how that sounds?? Annnyyywaaayyy… I like the idea of a biodegradable bottle. Too bad it would more than likely get put into the recycling stream and mess that all up. One bold step in creating huge legal liabilities.
good luck with that.
Recycling is an important process in extending the lifecycle of plastics, and we encourage recycling. ENSO bottles can be comingled with standard PET bottles in the recycling process.
“Bottles for a Heathier Earth”
What happens when the other products that are made from recycled materials start to break down because they are “comingled” with these bottles? sounds like a big mess of recycled drapes and carpets biodegrating. certianly that could be a problem. I also thought it was illegal to call plastic bottles with additives biodegratable. heck with the law.