Water obsession support group forming now!
Water, water everywhere… consuming your thoughts and dreams, driving your actions and decisions. Dictating your choice of friends, how you spend your time, your money, your goodwill. You have water on the brain, and you may have gone off the deep end, figuratively speaking. You, yes YOU, may be obsessed with water!
Over at ValleyCresttakeson.com (the blog and news arm of Valley Crest Landscape Companies) writer Martha Golea serves up the amusing article, Are You Obsessed with Water Management? After reading Martha’s post I can safely say, “We’ll be right at home in this newly-proposed water-crazies group!” In fact, Martha, in this this high-stakes water obsession game we at ThirstyInSuburbia will call your obsession and raise you one!
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This got me thinking.
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Photo: Face in the Water by Bitterjug on Flickr
You gleefully take pictures of signs that state “NO BOTTLED WATER HERE!”
Wow, you are incredibly hardcore! Your additions blew my mind. So should this support group meet in your basement or mine? I’m on a baking kick lately…just sayin’.
PS- I love that there’s an illustrated book about Pat Mulroy; I had no idea. Christmas list!
Oops, forgot to mention- Tweet your signs-of-obsession under the hashtag #YouMightBeAWaterGeek !
I thought I was obsessed with water but this blows me out of the water and into a different state! haha, I love it.
This was a comment from a LinkedIn group where Martha’s article was posted.
“I’m an efficiencyholic. But please don’t try to put me in a 12-step program. I LIKE being that way
I thought it was apropos for your article which I found very entertaining. As a result you are now the recipient of a Tweet, a share on Facebook and a new subscriber.
Continue to keep the water conversation fun!
Keep up with good work!
We must protect our water.
We may survive without oil but not without water.
“AQUA is Life”
A person can survive about a month without food, but only 5 to 7 days without water.I love it.
I don’t know if I was this “enthusiastic” for water back in the day, but I always had a bottle of water in my hand for a few years.