Finally, Guilt-Free Bottled Water!
Well, this has been a long time coming! Better than recycling or even compostable bottles, new TossNot brand goes further with a fully edible bottle! We’ve just finished trying one out, the water was great and the bottle was satisfyingly crunchy in a gelatinous, nail-biting kind of a way!
Interesting. What is the bottle made out of? What about the label I don’t think eating ink can be good for you.
I’m thinking I’ll wait for the strawberry flavored bottle version thingy.
Does it have nutritional information? What are the ingredients?
It seems like a good idea but why not buy a stainless refillable bottle and use purified water from home. Point of use is the best solution most cost effective solution.
I don’t know the ingredients, but I’d be sure to check THE DATE!
cool idea.. but how much water do you waste to wash the crappy stuff off the outside of the bottle before you eat it.
Back to the drawing board………
It’s always surprising how many people fall for articles like this, especially on the one day of the year they should expect them.
Nonetheless, I thought it was hilarious. I was trying to think of a good April Fools’ blog on water this year and came up empty-handed. Kudos.
You fuck off