Word Up: The Photography of Shinichi Maruyama
Born in Japan and now working in New York, artist and photographer Shinichi Maruyama engineers the collision of water and black India ink and captures the moment that the two meet at 7,500th of a second. Recent advancements in strobe light technology enable these stunning abstract images, where the camera can record the extraordinary detail of physical events that occur faster than our eyes can perceive them.
The series Kusho, which means “writing in the sky,” is reminiscent of Japanese calligraphy but executed in the air rather than on the flat surface of paper, using a variety of techniques to achieve a range of effects. Maruyama observes, “Not knowing what you are going to get impresses me strongly. We do now know what we have until we look at the actual photography.”
View the gallery of Kusho images at Shinichi Maruyama’s website
Information on Shinichi Maruyama via Bruce Silverstein Gallery
Kusho Installation View, Bruce Silverstein Gallery, New York, NY
Kusho Installation View, Bruce Silverstein Gallery, New York