Itty-Bitty Baths Inspire Daft Designs
While urban dwellers enjoy ready access to city amenities, a trade-off is the distinctly urban micro-bath. Why, I could fit most of these city loos inside my obnoxious suburban garden tub…which I never use, as it requires an obnoxious amount of water!
If you’re dealing with cramped quarters in your citified bath, the solution, as always, is abundant dollars and over-the-top design ideas. Consider some of these inventive and somewhat nutty design concepts for tight urban baths which can be yours, at a cost.
How convenient! I can shave during the commercials!
First up: The Sub-Tub concept from Whirlpool combines a tub, washbasin AND huge LED TV into one futuristic pod. How much for this one? Right now, it’s still just a concept so you can’t have one at any price. (Via Gizmodo and
Next, the old Murphy Bed idea becomes a Murphy bath! This is perfect for your uber-cool minimal 300-square-foot urban pad. We’d like a few more details on how that toilet is plumbed, though! How much? We don’t know, but we do know you shouldn’t have to ask. (via

One drawback to the “Murphy” bath: your guests may attempt to fetch a beer from the tub.
The Daily Mail labels this one the “Swiss Army Knife” bath, and it’s supposedly the “world’s first fold-up vertical bathroom.” (Are we noticing that folding seems to be the go-to feature for tiny baths?) Shower, storage, washbasin and toilet all occupy the same sleek column. Buy this for 9,000 GBP (or, $14,300 USD) and you’ll surely earn a spot in the Who’s Who of Tiny Loos. (Via and

Yes, I think I’ll opt for the service plan and extended warranty!
Well, I’ll be a horse’s ass! What would Thomas Crapper say?
the thing is, none of these would fit in a genuinely small bathroom…
Great posting. I’ve always wondered if they made smaller bathtubs. It seems like the only ones who take baths in my house are my little kids and they’re getting a little too big for that.
Small bathtubs are a great niche idea for the smaller, crampier apt.’s of the city, but also for those with little kids.
What a great way to conserve water. What’ll they think of next.