Save Water, Pee Outside
shower peeing campaign a confirmed success*, what’s the next step? I can’t vouch for it’s veracity or sincerity, but Atlanta-based is the driving (and I’m guessing, heavily-male) force behind a volunteer effort that they claim can save millions of gallons per day.
With the recentHowever, sustainable water supply will be achieved one wee bit at a time! Plus, consider this:
Number of species on the earth that pee outside: 4,999,999
Number of species on the earth that pee inside: 1
So if you’re ready to sign up, you can join their 1,300-plus member Facebook group or follow them (from a safe distance) on Twitter. also invites you to send in your stories and pictures (and a number of people already have!) Finally, be sure forget to mark your calendar for April 19th, the festive annual Pee Outside Day event! (Wow! Jaime Pressly should have claimed she was “going green!”) visit the member-submitted photo gallery
Forget your milquetoast manners, we’re trying to save the planet here! The website’s FAQ will help you overcome your reticence about this this frowned-upon (and usually illegal) behavior.
Q. Are you suggesting that people expose themselves in public?
No. Just so we are clear, the suggestion is that people pee on their own property, in a private setting, preferably under the cover of night. Apartment and condo owners probably shouldn’t pee over ledges. Just be sure to use your head when peeing outside.
Q. I would rather not pee outside–what are some options?
We understand that some people just don’t like peeing outside, but every little bit helps! Some approved methods are:
– Pee in a cup/bottle and dispose of it outside.
– Pee down a drain of your choice
– Pee in the shower, only if you are doing something else at the same time.
– Use the old “If it’s yellow, let it mellow. If it’s brown, flush it down” method.
– Or, just don’t flush every pee.
*In the unscientific but esteemed weekly Aguanomics poll, 3 out of 4 admit to shower-pee water conservation methods.
At the risk of being helpful, it’s actually a good idea to pee in the compost.
Emily is right! From the always helpful Wikipedia, “Urine contains large quantities of nitrogen as well as significant quantities of dissolved phosphates and potassium, the main macronutrients required by plants. Diluted at least 8:1 with water it can be applied directly to soil as a fertilizer. Undiluted, it can chemically burn the roots of some plants, but it can be safely used as a source of complementary nitrogen in carbon rich compost.”
Yes — be careful where you put that powerful liquid. If it’s not in the compost, then put it in different places in your yard — to avoid that men’s room smell…