h2o mp3: The Water Remembers My Face – The Western States
Last summer, this indie country-folk band from Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada packed up a rented van and drove 2 days to Austin, Texas to record their sophomore album, Bye and Bye. The album was recorded live to two-inch tape without the use of any digital technology or effects, giving this track a warm, pure and earthy “something’ that’s hard to put your finger on, but irresistible.
The river runs faster this time of the year
I never kept up with its pace
and now I sit by it and I think of what to do
cause the water remembers my face
[audio:http://thirstyinsuburbia.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/05-the-water-remembers-my-face.mp3] Play the track
Download The Water Remembers My Face – The Western States
Low-fi 64 kbps mp3 file for sampling.
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