Tag Archive for: arts

The Arranged Marriage of Trash and Treasure

We were smitten when we posted Rod Pujante’s handcrafted blooms last year made from discarded water bottles and just KNEW that some discerning green-style setters would see the high-trashion potential.

Frances Baszta, Angela Blann and Dena Buzalas, the “B team” as I like to call them, shared these photos from a recent event they planned using Rod’s creations as showstopping centerpieces uplit with tiny LED lights.

Each guest was invited to take one home to, as their program states, “remind each of us to both avoid activities that create unnecessary waste, and to see beautiful new possibilities in recycling and re-use.” Which one guest really took to heart–after seeing them at this event, he’s pursuing something similar for his daughter’s upcoming wedding.

Now obviously, this sort of thing does nothing to seriously impact the huge tide of trash caused by bottled water; it does, though, help us keep the issue top of mind, not to mention put a little delight in our day. Hmmm, does anyone know the water impact of cut flowers?